sodium taurocholate

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  1. Serum amylase and the histological score of sodium taurocholate group were significantly higher than those of operational control group.
  2. OBJECTIVE: To synthesize sodium taurocholate and study its pharmacological effects.
  3. Study on serial models of acute pancreatitis in rats induced by sodium taurocholate
  4. Studies on the Stability of Sodium Taurocholate in Different Media and in the Course of Sterilization
  5. Cholesterol removal activity of 10 strains of LAB, which were tolerant to pH3.0 and 0.3% sodium taurocholate, was tested by the modified o-phthalaldehyde method.
  6. Methods The rat acute pancreatitis model was induced by sodium taurocholate. The levels of the serum IL 6 and IL 8 were measured and analysed.
  7. The results also showed that the perfusate added with different levels bile salts ( sodium cholate and sodium taurocholate) could promote β carotene and lutein uptake, the concentration of lutein and vitamin A in serum increased, while that of β carotene decreased.
  8. METHODS: Antitussive test, expectorant test and antiasthmatic test were made with sodium taurocholate prepared by conjugating starting compound cholic acid with taurine.
  9. By fluorescence polarization method, it is observed in this paper that sodium taurocholate lowers membrane microviscosity of pancreatic exocrine cells. However, this action of sodium taurocholate is inhibited by BPP.
  10. It is proved that sodium taurocholate has evident antitussive, expectorant and antiasthmatic effects.
  11. Forty eight SD rats were randomly divided into two groups: sodium taurocholate group and operational control group. Expression of MCP-1 mRNA were detected by semi-quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction ( RT-PCR) at various time point in each group, respectively.
  12. Bile tolerance, deconjugation of conjugated bile salt ( sodium taurocholate), and cholesterol-assimilating ability of 8 strains from Lactobacillus plantarum were examined.
  13. The reaction of bilirubin with calcium ion forming calcium bilirubinate-the important component of pigment gallstone was studied in the absence and presence of various concentrations of sodium taurocholate ( TC).
  14. Studies on effects of sodium taurocholate upon precipitation of bilirubin with calcium ion
  15. Studies on the Influence of Metal Ions on the Colloid Properties of Sodium Taurocholate by Laser Scattering and Fluorescence Spectroscopy
  16. The small intestinal mucous cells of yellow broilers were isolated and cultured with medium containing β C and lutein to determine the effect of carotenoid concentrations, sodium taurocholate and free fatty acids on the absorption of the two carotenoids.
  17. Establishment of infected necrotizing pancreatitis model by injection of sodium taurocholate and E coli into pancreatic duct in rats
  18. Methods The model of rat SAP was developed by intradutal injection sodium taurocholate.
  19. Rat model of AP were made by retrogression injection of sodium taurocholate though pancreas biliferous ducts.